Amiga Games 1996 July
Amiga Games 1996 #7.iso
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689 lines
30.10.92 o First time released. V 1.11
01.11.92 o Fixed small diplay-bug.
Fixed a menu-bug.
11.11.92 o Bug fixed: Menuitem Normal-Priority can now be saved.
Reported by Michael Janich 8.11.92.
13.11.92 o Bug fixed: display error when allocating a new dataset in
listing display. Reported by Jürgen Brust 13.11.92.
13.11.92 - 15.11.92
o Improvement: supports now locale.library with German catalog.
15.11.92 o Removed set-cursor after clicking on a record-arrow-gadget.
o Improved behavior of RETURN, TAB, Shift-TAB keys (Idea by
Michael Janich 8.11.92).
o All changes caused by executing an AmigaBase program are treated
now as one (big) change (preparation for autosave).
16:11.92 o Changed default preferences (Window height/width).
17.11.92 - 21.11.92
o Big bug found and fixed: when AmigaBase pops up a
reqtools requester and the user switches to annother project
by clicking in this project window, then answers the
requester, AmigaBase gets confused and all changes are
counted to the wrong (the activated) project. Now fixed.
21.11.92 o Bug found & fixed:
while a reqtools-requester is present the user mustn't close a
self-defined window, otherwise the system sometimes crashes.
Now fixed (thanks to Nico for the ReqHandler-feature).
13.12.92 o Autosave (Idea by Michael Janich 8.11.92)
o Name of projects which are loaded by Workbench start of AmigaBase
are now treated correctly (with full pathname).
o Now, project icons have default tool "AmigaBase:AmigaBase".
16.12.92 o Work around ReqTools.library V 38.961, 38.382 bug: filerequester
doesn't support ReqHandler-feature. (Nico will fix it in next
release of reqtools.library).
16.12.92 o AmigaBase V 1.20 released.
17.12.92 o Bug fixed: color of window variable couldn't be changed.
o Argh! reqtools.library 2.1a (got it today) seems to have the
same bug as V 2.1 (See above: filerequester and ReqHandler).
Now, AmigaBase does not use the ReqHandler feature with
27.12.92 - 30.12.92
o Improved gadget.library V 38.6, updated AmigaBase.
20.01.93 - 21.01.93
o Bug fixed: When quitting AmigaBase while in listing display the
system sometimes crashes (Reported by Jürgen Brust Dec 92).
o Changed behaviour of right scroller in listing display. Now the
scroller does not jump more than one page of datasets if you
click in the jump-one-page region of the prop-gadget.
30.01.93 o AmigaBase V 1.21 send to Fred Fish, so everybody in the
whole world should be able to get a copy of it (and pay the
DM 50,-- :-)
03.02.93 o Fixed a window activation problem: when closing a
window which has an activated string gadget the parent
window (which has been activated before) does not activate
Now AmigaBase calls ActivateWindow(IntuitionBase->ActiveWindow)
after closing a window (Is this a good solution?).
o Fixed windowborder scroller problem (Kick 1.3 only): If you try
to move a scroller outside the scroller limits the whole
contents of the window will disapear. This was a gadget.library
BTW: Is somebody interrested in programming gadget.library?
I need some beta testers for it. Every gadget you find in
AmigaBase is created with this library.
11.02.93 o AmigaBase V 1.22 released.
13.02.93 o Added support for dead keys while editing data. (Idea by
Peter Wastholm 9.2.93)
28.03.93 o Translated german texts in example projects into english.
o Current colors of new variable/text/record requester will be
saved in preferences as default colors.
27.03.93 - 28.03.93
o Added a ReadMe file to each project which describes what
the project is for and how to use it (suggested by M. Greenhalg
30.03.93 o improved ReadMe/LiesMich file to show some concepts of AmigaBase
(suggested by M. Greenhalg 28.2.93).
o bug fixed in installing mode: After playing with a prop gadget
in a window border you cannot move a text or variable object.
This was a gadget.library bug.
o Bug found in cursor movements. Fixed. But cursor movements
are still not obvious. (How to solve this?)
o Disabled program call via mouse click on show only variables
if the current dataset is the init dataset.
o Installing mode: improved behaviour of mark & move objects.
o improved change variable requester: added requester which
only pops up when you have played with the palette gadget.
The requester allows you to change the color of the variable
in all datasets.
o Bug found when opening a catalog file. Wrote OC_Language
instead of OC_Version. This is possibly the source of the
Enforcer hits.
o Made gadget.library function gadAllocGadget(GAD_LISTVIEW_KIND, ...
a little faster.
31.03.93 o Made pop up of big requesters (order, print, filter) faster.
Now only the first invocation of such a requester takes a
little time (for creating gadgets). For further invocations of
the same requester it pops up immediately.
02.04.93 o improved installing AmigaBase, use of a shell script.
07.04.93 o Builded swedish AmigaBase.catalog file. Thanks to Peter Wastholm
for the translation.
08.04.93 o more colors for records, variables and texts (up to 15 colors,
depends on screen depth, suggested by W. Brodowski 8.3.93).
o changed some colors and the "Parent" gadget in listing display.
o "Change color" now allowed for all variable types.
10.04.93 o improved automatic cursor setting.
o made look of records OS 2.0 like
o added a "F" (filter) gadget to record title bar (idea by
P. Wastholm 11.3.93)
11.04.93 - 14.04.93
o Made AmigaBase font independent. Topaz 80 is no longer good
for amigas with high resolutions. (suggested by T. T. Tai
10.3.93). But gadget.library still uses topaz 80.
o Made normal/listing display more flexible: for each window
you can determine if it is displayed in normal display or
listing display (idea by P. Wastholm 9.2.93). Old listing
display is also available by deactivating sub menu item
"Display - Mixed?".
14.04.93 o allowed Save As to write over existing files after a "Really?"
o improved behaviour of RETURN and TAB keys in listing display.
Now the cursor will wrap around to the first/last variable of
the next/previous dataset if the cursor is on the end/begin
of the current line.
15.04.93 o Added a version number to the preferences file. So this is the
last time you get the "Please save new preferences" requester.
o Changed output of print datasets/print memo variable and
AB function "NORMAL" to work correctly with the OS 1.3 "CON:"
16.04.93 o custom screen (idea by W. Brodowski 8.3.93). By default
AmigaBase opens its windows on the default public screen
(OS 2.0 only). With a screen mode requester (OS 2.0 only)
you can open a custom screen (which is not public).
o nlq option in print requester now works.
17.04.93 o added palette requester to adjust the colors on the custom
o new menu items: set icon tool name, icon creation.
21.04.93 o AmigaBase V 1.30 released.
13.05.93 o AmigaBase can't open any catalog file on A 4000. Now I have
removed OC_Version Tag in OpenCatalog call. Perhaps it works
o New menu item: "Info at program start?"
16.05.93 o Removed some Enforder hits, but there are still many!!!
(I have decided to buy an accelerator card with 68030 and MMU.)
o Fixed font bug: now AmigaBase doesn't use proportional fonts.
25.05.93 o Found & fixed minor select-record bug.
23 - 29.05.93
o Found and removed all enforcer hits (I hope!!! If you find any
more send me a mail!). There were many read events and also
some write events which probably resulted in a crash on some
systems (e.g. OS 3.0 machines?).
06.06.93 o Added shortcut support to the palette gadget to allow cycling.
(idea by Wolfgang Loske, 4.5.93).
o New menu items: "Unprotect for edit" and "Global protection?"
(idea by Wolfgang Loske, 4.5.93).
20.06.93 o Bug removed: Search for did not work correctly in listing
display (reported by René Schuster 19.06.93).
21.06.93 o Changed filter behaviour: Every time you changed the contents
of a dataset the filter of the corresponding record has been
turned off. Now the filter is left on, regardless whether the
dataset matches the filter or not. (Suggestion by René Schuster
19.06.93, Fabien Larini 11.06.93).
o Shift click on filter gadget now pops up filter requester.
03.07.93 o Oliver Reiff from Paladin Software told me that the version
number in the AppStrings.source file must be a Version.Revision
number to work on all systems. This was the reason why AmigaBase
could not open any catalog file on OS 3.0 machines.
10.07.93 o Added Italian catalog file to the distribution. Translation
has been done by Paolo Costabel. Thanks Paolo!
12.07.93 o AmigaBase V 1.31 released.
28.09.93 o Bug fixed when using NEWTRAP, DELTRAP in AB programs (reported
by Peter Wastholm 31.08.93).
01.10.93 o Bug fixed when using MEMOSTR in filter programs (reported by
Wolfgang Brodowski, 20.09.93)
28.09.93 - 02.10.93
o Full font sensitive with new gadget.library V39. Window scrollers
now with new OS 3.0 look.
02.10.93 o When opening a window, status flags (changed, filter) have
been cleared.
03.10.93 o Converted "Filter on/off" menu item to menu item "Filter?" with
check mark support (idea by Wolfgang Brodowski 05.07.93).
o Toggle bool variable by double click (idea by Mads Lie Jensen,
o Toggle bool variables with the space bar (idea by Peter Wastholm,
o Improved memory management (suggestion by René Schuster,
05.10.93 o New menu item: "Duplicate dataset" (Idea by Mike Bromery,
06.10.93 o Fixed memo width/height problem when switching to a different
10.10.93 - 14.10.93
o Implemented resizeable memo variable.
15.10.93 o Made edit program window resizeable.
o let MEMO variables have their own window (option in new variable
16.10.93 o Speedup of load memo.
o New AB function: MEMOFILL(memo) which replaces variable names in
the memo text with the contents of the current dataset. This is
very usefull for series of prints.
o Added extra space when joining lines in a memo text (vi like).
o Auto line feed for editing memo variables (suggested by Fabien
o New Menu item: "Word wrap" for memo variables (suggested by Fabien
Larini, 18.06.93)
o New menu item: "Delete line" for memo variables.
25.10.93 o New menu items for editing memo variables: "Set external editor"
and "External editor" (idea by Michael Hamm, 31.07.93).
26.10.93 o Made menu look OS 3.0 like.
01.11.93 o Iconify gadget with option (menu item) to free the project if it
has been saved.
o New menu item: "Save as - Structure" (idea by Fabien Larini,
15.11.93 o Allow the specification of a home variable, where the cursor
should return whenever a new dataset is allocated.
o Key <keypad>-<Home> has set cursor top left (useless). Now sets
cursor on home variable of current record.
o Key <keypad>-<End> has set cursor bottom right (useless). Now
does nothing.
o Key <keypad>-5 has centered cursor (useless, use <Help> key). Now
does nothing.
15.11.93 - 17.11.93
o New menu item: project dependent preferences attributes. Now you
can specify which preferences attributes should be stored in the
project files rather than be global for all projects (idea stolen
from Softwood's upgrade letter for FinalWriter).
28.11.93 o Improved entering of date values by specifying relative dates
(e.g. -1 for yesterday, +1 for tomorrow, 0 for today, etc.)
24.12.93 o Ported from Aztec C 5.0 to SAS C 6.50.
25.12.93 o Implemented stack overflow handler.
o Added order button to record title bar (idea by Martin König,
29.12.93 o Removed order button from record title bar (the title bar looks
30.12.93 o Removed some bugs and enforcer hits.
13.01.93 o Save Filter settings and Filter programs in projects (Idea by
Thomas Gegenheimer 8.6.93).
o Load/Save for filter programs (idea by Wolfgang Brodowski,
26.01.94 o Recompiled with SAS C 6.51.
26.01 - 03.02.94
o Font attributes (bold, italic, underlined) for variables and texts
(suggested by Wolfgang Brodowski 30.06.93).
o Background color for variables and texts (suggested by Wolfgang
Brodowski, 17.06.93).
05.02.94 - 06.02.94
o Real and date format requester (Idea by Jan Ulbrich).
06.02.94 o AmigaBase uses Locale.library/StrnCmp for string comparison if
09.02.94 - 10.02.94
o Using GZZ Windows now.
11.02.94 - 13.02.94
o Put border arround all variables (option).
13.02.94 o New function key requester.
o Possibility to directly move the cursor to a named variable (idea
by Peter Wastholm, 31.08.93).
14.02.94 o In install mode <Backspace> and <Delete> key serves now for object
15.02.94 - 20.02.94
o New variable type: choice, displayed by a cyclegadget (suggested
by Wolfgang Brodowski 17.06.93).
24.02.94 o Less use of keypad keys (suggestion by Falk Hildner, 27.12.93,
A600 owner).
27.02.94 o Enabled ctrl-c checking.
28.02.94 o Cancel gadget in GetString and SelectFile function now returns
empty string "" (suggestion by Fabien Larini).
01.03.94 - 09.03.94
o Implemented new program types: PreNewDataset, PostNewDataset,
PreDeleteDataset and PostDeleteDataset. The Pre*Dataset functions
must return a BOOL value. If they don't return TRUE, the
allocation/deletion is aborted.
10.03.94 - 16.03.94
o Implemented new program type: Function. Now you can define your
own functions which you can use in any program (except Filter).
You have up to 20 arguments with argument types INTEGER, REAL,
BOOL, STRING, MEMO, DATE and TIME. The result value can be of type
You can also program recursive functions.
16.03.94 o New menu item for install mode: "Structures - Program - Print" to
print all programs to a file or printer.
and POSTDELETEDATASET. The functions call the corresponding
program of the supplied record.
03.04.94 - 04.04.94
o added an arexx port to AmigaBase (idea by Stefan Hellwig 7.12.92).
The Arexx port is called REXX_AB1. The following functions are
NEW for opening a new window for a new project,
QUIT [FORCE] for exiting the current project (and AmigaBase
if it was the last project),
LOAD [filename] to load a project,
SAVE to save the current project,
SAVEAS [filename] [FORCE] to save the current project under a
new name
PROJECT filename to switch to the given project,
STATUS FILENAME to get the filename of the current project,
STATUS CHANGES to get the number of changes made to the
current project,
FUNCTION funcname 'arg1,...,argn' to call the AB arexx function
with arguments arg1,...,argn converted into one
memo variable. The Arexx variable "result" will
hold the return string after the function
08.04.94 - 09.04.94
o Copy & paste edit buffer and datasets. Uses clipboard device.
(idea by Robert Luben, 31.12.93)
09.04.94 o New AB function: CLOSE(Record) (idea by Falk Hildner, 27.12.93).
11.04.94 o New AB function: HALT (idea by Falk Hildner, 27.12.93).
o Improved programming: automatically convert memo values to string
values when needed. The string value of a memo is one big string
containing all characters of the memo text incl. newlines.
o VAL ignores now leading white space (suggestion by Falk Hildner,
o New AB functions: TRUNC(real) and ROUND(real, integer).
12.04.94 o New AB function: ChooseItem(title, memo, gadget) (idea by
Falk Hildner, 27.12.93).
14.04.94 o New AB function IndexStr like the C index function (suggested by
Fabien Larini, 23.09.93).
o New AB function IndexBrk.
o New AB program function: StrSize(string_variable) which returns
the maximum number of characters the string variable can hold
(according to a suggestion by Fabien Larini, 30.09.93)
27.04.94 o Save current dataset num of each record in project file (idea by
Michaela Grebe, 20.04.94).
o Autosave: cursor has not been reactivated (reported by
Michaela Grebe, 20.04.94).
28.04.94 o New AB statement: NEXT like the C statement continue (suggested
by Fabien Larini, 23.09.93).
o PUSH(record), POP(record). (Idea by Carsten Rose, 4.4.94).
06.05.94 o New AB function: integer := GETDNUM(record1, record2). Returns the
current dataset num of record1 corresponding to the parent record2
(may be NIL for absolut number).
o SETDNUM(integer, record1, record2). Sets the current dataset
of record1 to the dataset with the given dataset num corresponding
to the parent record2 (may be NIL for absolut number).
(Idea by Mads Lie Jensen, 15.08.1993).
07.05.94 o SETRELDNUM(integer, record1, record2). Like SETDNUM, but relative
to the current dataset num.
o New AB function: bool := EXITSTSDNUM(integer, record1, record2).
Tests if a dataset with the given number exists in record1
corresponding to the parent record2 (may be NIL for absolut
o EXISTSRELDNUM(integer, record1, record2). Like EXISTSDNUM, but
relative to the current dataset num.
o AmigaBase200beta sent to German beta testers.
15.05.94 o fixed bug in startup of AmigaBase (happend under 1.3).
o removed all references to stdin, stdout and stderr, so AmigaBase
does not open a con: window when started from Workbench.
o fixed some editing problems in memo variables.
o AmigaBase200beta2 sent to other beta testers.
19.05.94 o Changed minor scrolling behaviours (idea by Eyal Teler, 19.05.94)
21.05.94 o Bug found and fixed when saving projects with choice variables.
Some projects couldn't be loaded any more.
o Bug found and fixed: date and time arguments for functions
didn't work.
o AmigaBase200beta3
23.05.94 o AmigaBase crashes when opening standard print requester. After
recompiling bug disappears.
25.05.94 o You couldn't select a single row of objects after chosing menu
item Structure - Move block (reported by Eyal Teler, 22.05.94).
o AmigaBase200beta4
30.05.94 o Under 1.3 AmigaBase crashes after closing a requester window (e.g.
change variable requester) with an active string gadget and then
clicking inside the root window (reported by Eyal Teler, 27.05.94).
This is a bug in the OS I think since it does not occur under OS 2.0
and up. Can anybody tell me how to close a window with an active
string gadget under 1.3? I do the following now after calling
if(!ISKICK20) /* only under 1.3 and below */
struct Window *w;
w = IntuitionBase->ActiveWindow;
IntuitionBase->ActiveWindow = NULL;
o Reactivate cursor after resizing a window.
o Made Menuitem "Project - Display - Mixed" project dependent only
to avoid some problems.
o Changed behaviour of labels requester for choice variables
(suggested by Eyal Teler, 29.05.94).
o AmigaBase doesn't scroll any more in working mode when all objects
fit into the window (suggested by Eyal Teler, 27.05.94).
o AmigaBase200beta5
05.06.94 o Minor improvement when resizing a window and the cursor is in
the bottom right corner (suggested by Eyal Teler, 03.06.94).
o Menu item "Save as - Structure" has saved structure of current
project on disk but did also changed the filename of the current
project to that of the new one (reported by Eyal Teler, 03.06.94).
10.06.94 o When joining two lines in a memo variable by using the backspace
key the text shouldn't scroll if the line fits into the memo
(suggested by Dirk-Michael Brosig, 04.06.94).
o When calling the external editor the temporal filename shoud have
a suffix, so editors like ced can take advantage of it and use
an alternate environment. Now temporal filenames have suffix
"abt" (idea by Dirk-Michael Brosig, 04.06.94).
o Changed shortcut for "Load" from 'l' to 'o' ("Open"), shortcuts for
ordering to Ctrl-o and shortcut for change color to Ctrl-r
(idea by Dirk-Michael Brosig, 04.06.94).
13.06.94 o Bug in listing display: when the variable name is shorter than the
variable's visible width and the variable is displayed with right
justification than the first letter of the variable name is not
displayed or displayed in the column of the previous variable
(reported by Eyal Teler, 12.06.94).
01.07.94 o AmigaBase200beta7
06.07.94 o Made [Pre|Post][New|Delete]Dataset a little safer (in case when one
of them calls New(record) or Delete(record).
o Fix choice value out of range bug: removing a label from a choice
variable did not update existing datasets. If you display a dataset
which contains a choice field which is out of range the result
will be undefined (reported by Eyal Teler).
o Tried to fix memo height problem when using borders. It is still
possible that you enter a value of 3 for the memo height and get a
real height of 4 lines. This is because (3*(fh+2+2) - 2 - 2) / fh
is 4 (fw is the font height, e.g. 8).
07.07.94 o Renamed normal display to form display.
o Fixed "# #" problem in record title bar (reported by Michael
Brosig, 29.05.94, Eyal Teler, 19.06.94).
o Close screen when last project gets iconified. Reopen screen
when nedded (idea by Wolfgang Brodowski, 04.06.94).
11.07.94 o Removed bug in STR function (reported by Falk Hildner, 11.07.94)
o PRENEWDATASET and PREDELETEDATASET programs couldn't be deleted
(reported by Falk Hildner, 11.07.94).
12.07.94 o When executing an AB program which contains a CALL statement
then the mouse pointer is not set busy after returning from
the CALL statement (reported by Falk Hildner, 11.07.94).
13.07.94 o When changing a record's name to a shorter one then the record is
not fully redisplayed, so a mixture of the new and old name is
shown (reported by Falk Hildner, 12.07.94).
o New menu item "File save method" with sub items "Simple", "Save"
and "Backup to *.BAK".
o New menu item for memo variables: "Undelete line" for inserting
the line which has been previously deleted.
o Shortcut (menu item) for iconify (idea by Michael Klingbeil,
o AmigaBase200beta8
16.07.94 o Removed some Enforcer hits when gadget.library is not present.
o In PEN(var, num) num must have been in range 1-3 (reported by
Falk Hildner, 16.07.94). Now it must be in range 0-15.
o SHOW and CLOSE should also be able to open and close windows
for memo variables (suggested by Falk Hildner, 16.07.94).
o AmigaBase200beta9
o Now, pressing Help doesn't open a window with an empty help text
(reported by Wolfgang Brodowski, 12.07.94).
o Updated and added some help strings.
22.07.94 o Option to resize a window to the full size of its contents
(idea by Eyal Teler, 13.06.94).
o AmigaBase200beta10
23.07.94 o New AB functions for programming: CHOICEVAL(var) and
CHOICESTR(var) which do the same as STR(var) and VAL(var)
(suggested by Wolfgang Brodowski, 17.07.94).
o Own window size for listing display (suggested by Eyal Teler,
26.07.94 o AmigaBase200beta11
30.07.94 o Avoided call to SetRGB4 when count is 0. Possibly this is the
reason why AmigaBase crashes on some AGA systems when opening a
custom screen (idea by Dirk-Michael Brosig, July 1994).
Indeed AmigaBase now works on AGA machines. Thanks Dirk-Michael!
03.08.94 o Created Italian catalog file. Thanks to Paolo Costabel for the
06.08.94 o AmigaBase200beta12
18.08.94 o Removed bug in string gadget of filter requester. Only happend
on Kickstart 1.2/1.3 (reported by Eyal Teler, 18.08.94).
22.08.94 o Search for, search forward, search backward for MEMO variables
(suggested by Marcus Kuba, 19.08.94 and Sabine Stöhr, 17.08.94).
27.08.94 o Move cursor to end of string when activating home variable
(suggested by Eyal Teler, 18.08.94).
04.09.94 o Fixed bug when opening a file for writing (e.g. program output
file). The file has not been truncated. This is a problem of
SAS-C's open call. Now fixed by a workaround. (Reported by
Wolfgang Brodowski, 19.08.94).
o AmigaBase200beta14
07.09.94 o Created Swedish catalog file. Thanks to Peter Wastholm for the
o Added program name to compile error messages (suggested by Falk
Hildner, 06.09.94).
o SHOW did sometimes not bring window to front (reported by Falk
Hildner, 06.09.94).
o Reactivate cursor after clicking on a read-only variable
(suggested by Falk Hildner, 06.09.94).
o Disable program execution of read-only variables when write-
protected (suggested by Falk Hildner, 06.09.94).
o New AB function: DNums(record1, record2, filter_boolean).
Returns number of datasets of record1 which are subordinated
to the current dataset of record2. If filter_boolean is TRUE
then only those datasets are counted which match the current
filter of record1, otherwise all are counted. (Idea by Wolfgang
Brodowski, 19.08.94).
o AmigaBase200beta15
11.09.94 o Removed bug: when resizing a window to its form size it also
moved to its default position (the position when opening the
window) (reported by Eyal Teler, 08.09.94).
13.09.94 - 09.10.94
o Allow to ignore the return code of some AmigaBase functions
14.09.94 o Adjusted menus to be compatible with MagicMenu (suggested by
Jürgen Schubert, 13.09.94).
16.09.94 o When reporting a runtime error in an AmigaBase programm and
showing the offending program then the cursor is now put near the
offending command (idea by Eyal Teler, 13.09.94).
o Changed shortcut for opening the window attributes requester in
install mode to Shift-RETURN.
17.09.94 o Save the size of the program editing window in the preferences
(idea by Eyal Teler, 13.09.94).
09.10.94 o MemoLoad has appended text to memo variable (reported by Eyal Teler,
o Autoactivate # of lines when selecting limitted lines in the
attributes requester of a memo variable (idea by Ken Paulson,
o Bug when pasting buffer over a window variable for memos (reported
by Ken Paulson, 25.09.94).
22.09.94 - 09.10.94
o AmigaBase V2.00 released.
20.10.94 o Added Danish catalog file to the distribution. Translation
has been done by Mads Lie Jensen. Thanks Mads!
o BUG fixed: When toggling "Borders" in the project depended
attributes requester then the size of the variables is not
updated. This can result in funny looking borders (size too small)
or variables without borders but big size (reported by Mads Lie
Jensen, 13.10.94).
29.10.94 o Behaviour of string comparison changed: "ç" = "C" returned TRUE
since I was using locale.library/StrnCmp with SC_COLLATE1.
If I use SC_COLLATE2 then "ç" = "C" returns FALSE but "c" = "C"
also returns FALSE (I want case insensitive string comparison).
Now fixed ("ç" = "C" returns FALSE and "c" = "C" returns TRUE).
(Reported by Mads Lie Jensen, 21.10.94.)
08.01.95 o Updated Danish catalog file.
o "Show name" has always been set to true after opening the new
variable requester. Better idea is to remember the state of it
after quitting the requester (idea by Mads Lie Jensen, 05.12.94).
o Do not remember the dimensions of a zoomed window (according to
a suggestion from Mads Lie Jensen, 05.12.94).
10.01.95 o Improved Arexx function 'PROJECT filename'. Now filename doesn't
need to match a project's filename exactly. AmigaBase examines if
the filenames point to the same file.
11.01.95 o New functions for programming: FILENAME, CHANGES and AREXXPORT
(idea by Falk Hildner, 31.12.94).
o Abort program with an error message if linenum is negative in a
MEMOSET(memo, string, linenum) call (idea by Falk Hildner,
12.01.95 - 15.01.95
o Remember directory (and pattern) when loading/saving memo texts,
filters and projects (idea by Eyal Teler, 24.05.94, Falk Hildner
31.12.94 and Mads Lie Jensen 05.12.94).
15.01.95 o CHOOSESTRING(Title, Memo, GadText) with extra string gadget to
enter a string not in the memo list (idea by Falk Hildner,
16.01.95 o Improved MIDSTR function. Third parameter (len) can now be omitted.
In this case a value of 1000 is assumed (idea by Eyal Teler,
19.01.95 o New function: NOW which returns current time (suggested by
Mats Granstrom, 21.11.94 and others).
o New function: STRCMP which does case sensitive string comparison.
22.01.95 o New function: ChoiceLabels(cv) which returns all label strings of
the Choice variable cv.
26.01.95 o In an AB program the assignment a := " "; (eight blanks)
didn't work because AmigaBase thought it's a time value.
(Reported by Mats Granstrom, 15.11.94)
o AmigaBase21beta1
04.02.95 o If you have saved a project with a previous version of AmigaBase
and the project contains an AmigaBase program that uses a local
variable and the name of the variable is equal to a new
introduced AB function, e.g. "changes", then AmigaBase has popped
up a requester saying that it can't compile this function, but
didn't give the user a chance to view and change the program.
Now you can press the "Program" button in the requester to view
and change the program (idea by Wolfgang Brodowski, 01.02.95).
07.02.95 o Updated Swedish catalog file.
o AmigaBase21beta2
12.02.95 o Enable use of Alt-Tab and S-Alt-Tab to cycle through the windows
of a project (idea by Wolfgang Brodowski, 01.02.95).
14.02.95 o Updated Italian catalog file.
o AmigaBase21beta3
15.02.95 o Updated Danish catalog file.
o Removed bug: AmigaBase couldn't compile expressions like TODAY + 2.
AmigaBase thought the '+' is the sign of 2. (Reported by Mads Lie
Jensen, 09.02.95).
16.02.95 o Improved preferences handling of filerequester.
23.02.95 o Updated French catalog file.
o AmigaBase21beta4
25.02.95 o Bug fixed: Self defined functions that return a string value may
crash the system (reported by Falk Hildner, 21.02.95)
03.03.95 o Removed PRINT bug. When doing a Print("%p") you got 8 zeros
(reported by Mads Lie Jensen, 21.02.95).
o AmigaBase V2.1 released
29.07.95 o Recompiled with SAS C 6.55
o Removed version check for catalog file.
o AmigaBase V2.1a
11.08.95 o Removed error in AppStrings.source file (reported by Ralph
Reuchlein, 01.08.95).
08.09.95 o New escape code for strings: "\e" which is translated into "\27"
(idea by Mats Granstrom, 31.03.95).
o New programming functions: UpperStr(string), LowerStr(string) and
TrimStr(string). UpperStr replaces each character in string by
its upper case, LowerStr by its lower case, and TrimStr removes
leading and trailing spaces. All three functions return the result
as a string (Idea by Jürgen Rümmler, 29.05.95).
o Pop up of a "Not found" requester when search for fails (suggested
by Mads Lie Jensen, 09.02.95).
09.09.95 o Implemented new program type PostOpenProject which will be called
automatically after the project has been opened (idea by Mads Lie
Jensen, 09.02.95).
10.09.95 o New menu item "Edit - Use external editor for programs" which
enables direct use of the external editor for programming AmigaBase
(suggested by Mads Lie Jensen, 09.02.95).
11.09.95 o New ARexx functions for controling AmigaBase's screen: ScrToFront
and ScrToBack (idea by Mads Lie Jensen, 14.03.95).
o Removed bug: in an AB program the assignment a := "\n\n ";
didn't work. AmigaBase thought it's a time value (Reported by Mats
Granstrom, 31.03.95).
14.09.95 o Removed bug: if a memo variable has a limited number of lines,
the current memo text has already the maximum number of lines,
word wrap is on and you press a letter at the end of an arbitrary
line, then the last word on this line is erased (Reported by Mats
Granstrom 31.03.95).
28.09.95 o New preferences menu item: "Requester position = Mouse?".
If activated all requesters are opened in a way that the Cancel
button lies under the mouse pointer (idea by Ralph Reuchlein,
o New program type: PreQuitProject which will be called automatically
when the user quits the project.
03.10.95 o New programming function: BUSY(ON), BUSY(OFF) to turn the mouse
pointer into busy and normal mode (idea by Dirk-Michael Brosig,
29.10.95 o MEMOSORT has been implemented as SORTMEMO, now both function names
are possible (reported by various people).
o When executing a program in listing mode and the program assigns
a new value to a variable then the updated text has always been
displayed in the variable on the current line which is not
the right one in general (reported by Rene Schuster 23.10.95).
o New menu item "Structure - Print" to generate a listing of all
record and variable names of the current project (idea by
Waldemar Karwath, 20.10.95).
o Recompiled with SAS C 6.56.
16.11.95 o Changed menu item "Paste buffer" to insert the clipboard at the
current cursor position (suggested by James Burton, 6.11.95).
o AmigaBase V2.2 released
05.12.95 o Some characters with ASCII code > 127 were filtered out
when used in a memo text (reported by Andreas Port, 26.11.95).
12.01.96 o Changed seperator menu item bars from "~~~~~~~~..." to images.
(Suggestion & implementation details by Angela Schmidt 14.11.95).
o New functions: GETFILTERSTR(record) to get the filter expression
of the given record as a STRING, SETFILTERSTR(record, filterstr)
to set the filter expression of a record, GETFILTER(record) to get
the filter state (TRUE for on, FALSE for off) and SETFILTER(record,
TRUE|FALSE) to set the filter state.
(Idea by Carsten Rose, 4.4.94 and Philip Meyer, 07.01.96).
14.01.96 o AmigaBase V2.3beta1
19.01.96 o Allow filter programs that use records and other variables than
the filter record ones (in particular DNUMS works now in filter
21.01.96 o AmigaBase V2.3beta2
06.02.96 o New functions: GETORDERSTR(record) to get the current order
of the given record as a memo text. Each line contains the
name of a variable. The datasets are ordered by the first
variable. If two datasets match in the first variable the
next one determines the order and so on.
SETORDERSTR(record, order) sets the order of the given record
to the variables that are listed in the order argument (MEMO).
Each line of the text must contain one variable name, empty lines
are ignored. After setting a new order, all datasets of a record
are automatically sorted.
SETORDERSTR returns TRUE if the order has been successfully
set and FALSE on failure, e.g. when a specified variable could not
be found.
(Idea by Carsten Rose, 4.4.94 and Philip Meyer 18.01.96)
o VARNAME(var) and RECNAME(record) have been implemented to get the
name of variables and records as strings. These functions are
usefull for building filter expression and order strings.
08.02.96 o AmigaBase V2.3beta3
10.02.96 - 29.04.96
o Strange bug in menu initialization fixed. Many thanks to Michael
Klingbeil and Ralph Reuchlein for "remote" debugging.
o AmigaBase V2.3 (beta4)
09.04.96 o Removed shortcut character for menu item "Structure - Print".
Character has been already used for "Edit - Load text"
(reported by Ralph Reuchlein, 09.04.96).
15.04.96 o AmigaBase V2.3 released